British Safety Council responds to final Grenfell Tower Inquiry report

Responding to the final, Phase Two, report by the Grenfell Tower Inquiry, Peter McGettrick, Chairman of British Safety Council, said: "We welcome the publication of the final report by the Grenfell Tower Inquiry. It is a sobering and comprehensive report which has brought forensic attention to the institutional failings that led to this tragedy, the responsibility for which must be shared across multiple stakeholders.

"Safety must be at the core of any changes, and we need to see an appropriate and proportionate response by all parties, which delivers on the recommendations in the Inquiry's report and ensures greater clarity, transparency and professionalism at all levels. Progress has been made in the past seven years, especially in terms of new legislation and regulation on building safety and social housing, but there is clearly much more to do. The Inquiry's recommendations build on this and we look forward to the Government's response and action to deliver on them."


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