Real Estate Industry Ranks Sixth Most Stressful in the UK

A recent study has identified real estate as one of the most stressful sectors to work in, in the UK, shedding light on the challenges faced by professionals in the industry.

Conducted by personal injury specialists at, the study analysed data from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to determine the prevalence of stress-related illnesses among workers from March 2022 to March 2023. Real estate emerged as the sixth most stressful industry, with 2,070 reported cases of stress-related illnesses per 100,000 workers.

Despite an average salary range of £26,000 to £54,000, the real estate sector, which includes roles such as estate agents and property managers, faces significant stressors. Factors contributing to workplace stress in real estate likely include high-pressure sales environments, demanding clients, and the need to meet sales targets.


The study highlights the importance of addressing mental health concerns in the workplace, particularly within industries like real estate where stress levels can be heightened. Employers are urged to prioritize employee well-being by fostering open communication channels and providing adequate support resources.

The findings underscore the need for individuals experiencing work-related stress to seek assistance and consider their options for legal recourse. emphasizes that personal injury claims extend beyond physical injuries to encompass mental, emotional, and psychological harm, emphasizing the importance of seeking legal advice in such cases.

As stress continues to impact workers across various sectors, initiatives aimed at promoting mental health awareness and support are crucial for creating healthier, more sustainable work environments.

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