Scanlan's signs up to campaign for emergency fund to make buildings safe

Property management firm Scanlans has joined forces with cladding campaigners, residents and property owners to form a coalition urging the government to establish a multi-billion pound emergency fund so buildings around the country can be made safe.   The group today issued an open letter to new Chancellor Rishi Sunak urging the government to act over flammable cladding on buildings.   Ian Magenis, a partner at Scanlans, said: “The fall-out from the Grenfell tragedy has proved to be a difficult time for property managers, directors and leaseholders. “Leaseholders are faced with having to find many thousands of pounds to resolve a situation which is not of their making.    “Those wanting to sell are unable to do so whilst their properties are ‘blighted’ by the presence of cladding or other materials on their buildings which, according to the latest government guidance, is unsafe.    “Recourse to the original developers is difficult, and most blocks fall outside of building warranties.   “There are hundreds of blocks of apartments in a similar situation up and down the country, affecting many thousands of leaseholders.   “Unless the government decides to step in and offer assistance, it is the leaseholders who, under the terms of their leases, will have to fund the cost of the works.   “This has resulted in considerable pressure on property managers nationally, who have found themselves in the front line. Leaseholders want somebody to blame, and the property manager is first in the firing line, even though we are only trying to help.   “As responsible managing agents and members of the RICS and ARMA, we have done, and will continue to do, all we can to assist our management company clients during this difficult time.    “Solicitors and specialist fire consultants are involved and are playing their part, but the role of the managing agent as the primary interface with the leaseholders is particularly difficult and challenging.    “The situation is going to get worse, because many leaseholders won’t have the funds to pay their share of the costs and run the risk of legal action being taken.   “The government has provided a fund to help blocks with ACM cladding but not for those with other types of cladding, which is some cases is as flammable, if not more, than the ACM at Grenfell.   “The government needs to tackle this urgently.”


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