Adiuvo offer free virtual tour of site

We all know that during COVID-19 companies, individuals and the world at large has had to adapt to a new way of life & the need for technology has never been so great to offset the effects of restrictions and working from home. One example has been the increasing interest and use of our new Inerro service with its strengths being more apt now and in the coming months whilst its efficiencies will continue to benefit users when we return to a new way of "normal".

Inerro (Latin for walk-around) is a 3D virtual tour of blocks. Built with existing technology that most will be familiar with where a series of 360 degree photographs are taken and then digitally stitched together to provide a complete remote understanding of all common parts of the building or site both internally and externally. This provides immediate remote knowledge for support or communications staff or those dealing with an unfamiliar building. 

Its creation, which we organise & manage further gives a doll's house view and a floor plan allowing access to any part of the building in 2 clicks but that’s just the start!  At any point of interest any information can be added. This could be the codes to a door or confirmation a riser cupboard is FB2 operated.  It could also be contract information for the lift or even historical pertinent previous construction or maintenance context.  This allows the tour, which is accessible via a cloud link, to become a repository for site whilst also allowing other features which have become much more prevalent in the current situation.


Those features include being able to disseminate the link to, for example, cleaning contractors to aid them to provide quotations for straightforward pricing schedules without unnecessary journeys & footfall so you can assure residents social distancing occurs even while preparing for works onsite.  Furthermore, minor works quotations are also possible via one of our tours options; as a property manager you can even live chat face to face with multiple contractors whilst inside the tour allowing desktop quotations further limiting onsite traffic.  Both of these are being expedited in a shorter timescale by contractors, happier to provide quotes as they do not have to expend travel time.

The same communication capacity within the tour also enables PM’s to converse remotely but still face to face with residents.  A resident, if provided the link by the PM, can actually point out where an issue is within the building aiding better understanding while staff can still provide a face to face customer service experience without the need for a time-consuming site visit.

The tour can also be used to provide prior familiarity of a site when contractors attend to reactive maintenance by providing them the link with a works order.  Taking that one-step further our Inerro service has been used for site inductions or as a tool for temporary frontline staff to familiarise themselves with a building before arriving onsite.  Alternatively, a pre-recorded narrated walkthrough can be edited again for new staff or even new residents (as we can supply a “clean” tour without management information).

To see all these features in more detail you can view our explainer video via our website at

We believe that this new service saves valuable time for Property Managers whilst ensuring customer service levels can remain at the same pre-covid level AND significantly gives opportunities to reduce footfall.

Due to this confidence we are offering one FREE tour (on sites up to 100 units) to any client wishing to see for themselves the possibilities of the service. 

Rhoda O’Sullivan, Associate Director at Adiuvo


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