So you've created your Resident Engagement Strategy - what's next?

Congratulations! You've created your first batch of Resident Engagement Strategies, and you’re now hoping to move on to the next item on your to-do list - but did you actually seize the opportunity that creating your RES presented?

A good RES should help Boost Engagement

A well-executed RES, combined with the power of technology, should act as a catalyst for increased resident engagement. 

In my former role as Head of Operations overseeing 10,000+ homes, I used to hear from fellow property managers that “no news was good news” and that increased communications from residents meant that something had gone badly wrong. At Ark, we don’t see it that way - high engagement means that you have residents who care deeply about where they live, and who will welcome the opportunity for a closer relationship.

Better Resident Engagement = Increased Operational Efficiency

Or at least, it should…

Establishing an environment that actively encourages resident feedback, coupled with a modern operational platform provides a virtuous circle that benefits all parties. Increased feedback levels mean a higher information store to derive insights about frequent queries, allowing you to create and deliver self-serve interactions. 

This means fewer phone calls, fewer emails, and fewer stressful reactive interactions for your team, and quicker answers for your residents.

This shift towards proactive transparency and self-service of common queries allows management teams to allocate resources more effectively. Reactive work is reduced, enabling you to focus on strategic initiatives that ultimately enhance the quality of residential life, allowing you to do better work in less time.

Stay Ahead of the Curve

In today's fast-paced property management landscape, being reactive is no longer enough. Your RES should position you to get ahead of RMC, RTM, leaseholders and freeholder concerns, particularly when it comes to building safety.

Utilising technology effectively allows you to enhance your service and go beyond simply adhering to regulations. For example, the Building Safety Act recommends that compliance reports should be made available on request - but does sending out a manual report really cut it? 

We have recently developed a feature that provides live compliance reporting with a performance dashboard for managers and stakeholders, whilst also sharing vital safety documents with residents. This reduces the need to respond to multiple information requests, making the information readily available and easily digestible through a digital platform and demonstrating your commitment to transparency and safety to all stakeholders.

Get out of your Inbox

A critical element of the RES is providing a process for how residents can raise safety concerns with you - but offering a better communication channel shouldn’t be limited to just these concerns.  

The traditional approach - a shared email inbox, monitored by a team of people - is inefficient,  is difficult to see what still needs a response, and quickly becomes crowded with messages. Residents hate them, assuming that they are a black hole where their query will very likely get lost with no response. Managers can easily spend more than 50% of their time simply managing the inbox. It’s 2024, this shouldn’t be the standard operating model.

If your RES hasn’t already recommended a better way of communicating issues, then your next one should!

The need for the RES and the wider act to keep residents safe is absolutely paramount - but it shouldn't be the only motivator. What truly keeps residents safe is a high level of engagement and trust between them and their management team. You can achieve both by utilising modern technology and by making it core to your revised operating model.

Resident Engagement Strategies are not just another box to tick. They pose an exciting opportunity to reestablish the relationship between you and your residents.

Amelia Mardle, ATPI - Client Success Lead at Ark

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