High Court Enforcement Group helps private and commercial landlords to quickly and efficiently evict tenants to regain possession of their property, as well as recover rent arrears.
We are the largest independent enforcement company in England and Wales, providing a comprehensive range of recovery solutions for solicitors, businesses and individuals, in addition to our possession services for landlords.
Our enforcement agents are fully trained to a higher level than is required under legislation. They are all employees, allowing us to ensure quality of service nationwide. We have the largest number of authorised High Court Enforcement Officers in the industry, some of whom are also qualified solicitors.
We will support you with the process of obtaining the writ of possession, providing guidance wherever required. We will normally undertake risk assessments and health and safety planning before attending to enforce the writ. Once the writ is issued, we will undertake the eviction of tenants with minimal delay.
Our comprehensive range of enforcement solutions includes:
- Writs of possession (against tenants, squatters, protesters and travellers)
- Evictions under Common Law
- Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR)
- Commercial forfeiture
- Judgment enforcement
- Employment tribunal award enforcement
- Vehicle recovery
- Process serving
High Court Enforcement Group Limited has offices in Liverpool, Colwyn Bay, Swansea and Bradford.